Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More than three months!

I know that I've been busy. I know that because I've been working sixty hours a week, because my knees hurt, because I still have flowerpots filled with frost-killed coleus next to our front door, and because I forgot to order the usual Godiva chocolates for my partner's birthday. I didn't quite recognize how busy until I logged on and realized that it had been more than three months since I've been here.

Why have I been busy? Because healthcare is changing and we've just had a major computer update. Oddly enough, my last book used a computer update as a plot device. When I wrote it, I used past computer updates for guidance, but I should have waited and used this actual update. More drama than I could ever dream of writing into a book!

I entered my chosen profession because I love science. I find joy in getting a mathematical formula to work out, in identifying a bacteria that we shouldn't isolate in this geographical area and then finding out that the patient had just traveled to someplace where it is endemic, and to finding the best solution to a problem. As my career has progressed over the years, though, I find that I get to participate in very little actual science. Because I was good technically when I was younger, I was given the chance to manage and now deal more with the paperwork that keeps the department running. Also interesting, but in a very different way. Some days I miss the science and other days I find a new joy in receiving a peer-comparison report to find out that we set the benchmark for efficiency in our group.

Why am I thinking about all of that? Don't know. I'm stressed and trying to figure out how I got here. I want to write but am too tired. The most creative thing that I've done lately is to knit a hat, but even that gave me a chance to grow as it was the first "non-flat" thing that I've ever knitted.

I watched Glee last night. Glee isn't a perfect show and I read a lot of criticism about how unrealistic it is, but I can get around that and love the show. I love musicals, I was in band and chorus in high school, and it brings back memories of some of the happier times in high school. Last night's episode dealt with people being bullied and I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have personal experience with that.

Last night's episode is still with me. I got up this morning and watched it again, I've read all sorts of blogs and discussion about it, and it's been sort of stewing around in the background all day. I was honestly surprised when the bully jock kissed Kurt. Not too many shows actually surprise me, but this did. I can't wait to find out where they're going with this. Would it be possible to redeem this bully into a love interest for Kurt? Don't know how I'd feel about that. Blaine with Kurt? More obvious and he's a cutie but I got a friend vibe from their interaction and not a romantic vibe. Guess I'll have to wait to find out.


  1. It's good to see you again! Hope things go back to normal for you!

    Oh, and I enjoy Glee, too!

  2. Thanks, Carol! At this point I'm not sure what normal is :)

    After writing about the dead coleus, though, I was embarrassed enough that I did get them taken care of today. Baby steps.
